Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Oh my Jewellery.

Not many words are needed for these stunning new Jewellery-trends for 2012.

I picked my favourite ones for you.
Not much reading required, simply lean back and enjoy!



Golden Peter Pan Collar


Drape Chains

Happy New Year!

Pictures from:

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Christmas spirit

Growing up in Switzerland has allowed me to enjoy many many white Christmases. Having snow on Christmas day is significant for me.

I like it,I want it, I NEED IT!

I need the snow to get the festive spirit. No Christmas song or mince pie has the same effect on me, like a few inches of snow on the streets.

The fact that I haven't seen a single snowflake yet this year has left me in a very confused state of mind. I see the date, I know that there are only 4 days left till Christmas, but I just don't feel like it.

Normally when this happens, I just trick my mind with baking loads and loads of christmas biscuits. The smell of them takes me normally straight into a "oh-my-god-it's-christmas-WHEEEERE-ARE-MY-PRESENTS?"-mood. 

Due to a lack of time and money my oven stayed cold this year and there are no star- and tree-shaped biscuits to be found in my kitchen.

So there was only one option left to bring back the Christmas spirit in time:

The perfect Christmas jumper.

So here they are, my saviours of this years Christmas.
Nothing can stop me now from hopping along Western road and singing "Dominic the donkey" (great song!) out loud all day.

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Sussex Fashion Society - Charity Fashion Show

After months of hard work, heaps of organisation, preparation and rehearsals, the Charity fashion show in Aid of "breast cancer care" finally took place.

The show was organised by the Sussex Fashion Society. "Launched in 2011, Sussex Fashion Society aims to embrace the diversity of student style through providing a fresh and exciting platform for members to express their interests in all things fashion."


Whilst the people slowly started to arrive at the basement, the backstage was absolutely bustling. Apart from everyone trying on their outfits, the models,dancers and organisers had to get their hair & make-up done. 

Not much time was left, but that was no problem for the outstanding hair-stylists at headmasters.
Within no time, they created beautiful vintage-looking hairstyles on each of the models, which left the audience stunned.


Finally the show was ready to start. As an opening of the show, the audience could enjoy a live performance from the University of Sussex Street Dance Troupe Voom Ka.

Sussex Fashion Society’s first fashion production was finally happening. The show featured some of the most exciting boutiques in Brighton, such as Beyond Retro, Tramp Vintage, Snoopers Attic and spectacular dress design from Brighton designer Oh my Honey.

The show was a full succes, which left not only the audience pleased, but also the organisers. All proceeds went to Breast Cancer Care for Breast Cancer awareness month.